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We Still...

Frankie J 2/14-15/03: This is an interesting adventure...On Satudrday Julianna, Michelle, Jenna and I went on a lil excursion to SF. We went to the mall first and somewhere along the way, we ended up a gas station restroom and some funny shit went down there but after that, we took off to find Frankie J and Baby Bash. We sat around the hotel for hours, played sharades and then we just decided to call it a night. On Sunday night, We went to this lil kids club because Frankie and Baby Bash were performing there. We stood around, got kicked out of the doorway and moved down the street to another door. After a while, a stretch excursion rolled up and a lil while later, Frankie came out. He was walking towards us and we figured he had to get inside so we asked for him if we could get pix after he was done. He was all "lets do it right now" DAMN HE IS NICE! I handed him a Valentines card from all of us and he was all "aww, happy valentines ma!" so fricken sweet and then we got our pix and let him get inside. This whole time, we didnt know it but Baby Bash was sitting inside the limo thing and we all slapped each other high fives and stuff so he had to have seen it! lol! but anyways, he finally came out later and we got pix with him as well. i handed him a v-day card from us too and he asked my name and I think he was gonna go in for a hug but i think i kinda dissed him, and now i feel bad but its ok. Anyways, we went inside and then the show started. We listened from outside and damn let me tell you, Frankie J can hit the notes like no other! He is awesome. After the show, we saw them again and since Frankie didnt sign our pix before, we handed them to him through the car window and he signed them in there meanwhile, Baby Bash was getting molested by this random chick but damn it was funny! anyways, it was a great night, Frankie never disappoints!

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